HMS - Maintenance
Transforming business Through
Integrated Information Systems
All types of minor and major losses occurs due to the poorly maintained assets, which can lead to breakdowns and stoppages that impact time loss and reputation. Obviously greater the impact in terms of quality issues spoilage the morale and the extra strain on Maintenance of equipments. All these types of losses can be minimized by our module. This module provides the facility to keep the inventory of all the equipments/instruments which require regular check-up or maintenance. In this module Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) records can be maintained along with the service and work orders. This also keeps the history of all previous services done on equipment. Routine maintenance checks and procedures increasing the responsibilities of operatives, so that they are responsible for their workspace and assets.
The few functionalities of this module are:-
- Equipment Quotation & Master Entry
- AMC details and complaint entry
- Service done entry
- Equipment Master Report
- Complaint Log Report
- Preventive Service Done Report
- Requested Service Done Report
- Complaint Status Report
- Delayed Services
- Reminder for Annual Maintenance Renewal
- Reminder for Preventive Maintenance
- Repeated Complaints
- List of equipments presently out of order
- List of equipment with certification due
- Services completed which were delayed
- Drill down on Equipment History